Module 7 quantum jumping two
Module 7 quantum jumping two

Research into applying particle superposition in construction of computer hardware is already well advanced. Such a particle is said to be in a superposition of states. For example, a particle that might be observed in state A, B, or C may be considered to be in a pseudo-state where it is simultaneously in states A, B, and C. Under the Cophenhagen Interpretation, this situation is often visualized by imagining the state of an unobserved particle to be a ghostly overlay of all its possible observable states simultaneously. Under the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, until they are observed, particles exist only as a discontinuous probability function. Print index( "stop", any("p","s") ) BACKGROUND This document describes version 1.03 of Quantum::Superpositions, released August 11, 2000.

module 7 quantum jumping two

Quantum::Superpositions - QM-like superpositions in Perl VERSION

Module 7 quantum jumping two