App store skype download
App store skype download

If you want your Skype Android to Auto Start on your smartphones boot up, this handy app available at the Google play store can take care of that too. Update : Here is a link to this developer (theos0o) latest mod Skype 4.4 (v22b). I have to scroll through all that junk to get to my contacts. It is first showing every number i have blocked (telemarketers etc) then my needed contacts. I tried it and was turned off because of the address book changes. Update : Skype 4.0 modded (build v21 *BETA*) is available from this same developer. You can download it from Freeware Lovers. If you have an older phone or tablet that lacks today’s processor and memory speed, this Skype Android V1 version which is “” is the last GOOD V-1 Android app. He also has older android V2 apps available. I am using this ‘ Skype_3._v19.apk’ and you can Click HERE to browse all theos0o’s Skype apps. The developer ( theos0o ) has produced an exceptional Skype Android Mod that has an added advanced settings menu loaded up with features. I tried v4 and went back to this V3 MOD that works fantastic.

app store skype download

Microsoft recently rolled out the android V4 app and it was not any better than the stock V3 app. Really a fantastic combination – except to this day the Skype android app is lacking so many useful features. When I’m away i use the Skype Android app to make and receive calls. It’s great for doing internet work since i have a headset handy leaving my hands free for the keyboard.

app store skype download

I have been a Skype subscriber for close to 5 years and have a local phone number. Skype Android has came a long way since it’s first introduction, but is still lacking features lots of android smartphone users want. Here is a great Skype Android MOD that’s loaded up with features. Skype Android APK App Download Not happy with your Skype Android App?

App store skype download